
Recent Programme Participants share benefits of New Frontiers

Listen to recent New Frontiers Phase 2 graduates Joanna Perkowska, Malu Colorin, Patrick Dight, Peadar Lyons, Martina Haugh and Fergus Walsh share the key benefits of New Frontiers for them. Each had their own key benefit from the training workshops, pitching, working with expert facilitators and mentors, enhancing their knowledge of marketing, finance and understanding their customers better. Preparing their company strategy and getting ready to pitch to investors.

Participant Testimonials

A variety of testimonials recorded when participants where completing their phase 2 programme.

Lorraine Lynch, Child Psychology Institute

Lorraine felt that New Frontiers was absolutely life changing both personally and professionally. New Frontiers gave her the tools to be an effective leader with a bullet proof strategy while creating a business plan and the foundation of her vision.

James Power, Agri Guardian

James felt that being a New Frontiers gave their business a huge business - it made them interrogate all aspects of their business with help around every corner from people who did it before and gave real world advice.

Derek Nolan, Dog Not Duck

Derek's background was in web development as a result a lot of his focus before was around product development & technical implementation but New Frontiers shown him the other aspects of his business like finance & operations which he felt could be the difference between success and failure.

Paul O'Shea, Peckish

Paul joined the New Frontiers Phase 2 (6-month programme in September 2020) during which they further developed and tested their business model with customers & improved their overall sales, marketing, legals and tax.

Nick Ryan, Thomond Gate Whiskey

Nick shares his story of launching his Thomand Gate Whiskey brand. New Frontiers helped him identify who is customer & why they were purchasing. He enjoyed his access to financial mentors whilst on the programme.

Emer Flannery, Kocoono

Emer shares why she recommends the New Frontiers Programme at the Hartnett Enterprise Acceleration Centre. You will develop your idea further, the €15,000 funding helps you fund your start-up costs along with getting to work with the trainers, speakers, mentors you’ll make friends for life.